Proudly serving Boone County animals for over 20 years
We provide wellness and preventive care for dogs and cats of all ages including the following:
If your pet is ill, we have many diagnostic tools at our disposal, including the following:
We perform surgical and dentistry procedures 4 days per week. To minimize anesthetic and surgical risks, pre-anesthetic bloodwork is run on all patients, and anesthetic protocols are tailored to the individual pet. We use state-of-the-art monitoring equipment, and our team is very well-trained to give your pet the best possible care. Our surgical suite is also equipped with a surgical laser. Procedures we perform include:
Click here to view important information for patients undergoing surgical or dental procedures. This document includes our safety, pain, and procedure protocol as well as anesthetic risk assessment and check-in/post-op instructions.
We are able to provide treatments to meet your pet’s needs including the following:
We know some decisions about your pet can be very difficult to make. Our team is here to answer questions and provide support regarding your pet’s quality of life, as well as euthanasia decisions. We have a separate room dedicated to euthanasia appointments so that you and your pet may be as comfortable as possible. You are welcome to be with your pet throughout the euthanasia process. We offer cremation services, as well as mementos (e.g. pawprints) or urns to memorialize your pet. Follow the link below to learn more about what to expect during the euthanasia process and how to know when it is time to make this difficult decision: